Where is the Forest?

Categories: Blog Feb 21, 2016

In Original Strength, we teach people how to Press RESET by engaging in the same child-like movements they were “preprogrammed” with before they were born, also known as the developmental sequence.

We use terms like “pressing RESET”  and “preprogrammed” to explain how these simple movements can restore and refresh the nervous system while establishing a foundation of reflexive strength. We also refer to the nervous system as our “original operating system.” We use these words to convey a meaning, to paint a picture, to establish an understanding. We are in no way stating the human body is a computer.

Please understand, your body is infinitely more complex and more fascinating than any man-made creation. But you should also understand that your body is designed to move through a series of movement patterns that were put in every person who has ever lived. These patterns were designed to make you strong from the inside out; from your brain and nervous system to your body - along with all the expressions it was intended and capable of making.  Again, you are not a computer, but you do have a design. When this design is engaged, wonder flows out of your thoughts and your movements. It really does. And, if this design has been neglected, re-engaging in it - pressing RESET - can restore the functions your body was made to perform. It is absolutely that simple and at the same time wonderfully complex. Your body is truly AWEsome. Do you get the picture?

Also, due to nature of the resets - the developmental, child-like movements - we encourage and teach people to become like a child again. We may say things like “crawl like a baby”, “squat like a baby”, or simply “move like a child.” We are not saying we should all literally move like children - exactly as they move. We are again conveying a message that we should learn or remember to engage in the same movement patterns we once made as a child. Yes, children have very large heads and short levers (arms and legs). And yes, adults have smaller heads and very longer levers and our torsos are longer as well. Due to the structural differences between an infant’s body and an adult’s body, there will be differences in movements and the ability to make certain movements. BUT there will also be similarities.

To argue that adults should not move like babies because of the structural differences is to miss the forest for the tree. Besides, no matter how big an adult grows, no matter how small his head becomes and how long is limbs get to be, he still has the very same movement patterns in his nervous system that he did when he only weighed 9 pounds and 10 ounces. An adult can crawl. An adult can roll. An adult can squat like a child. And, perhaps they should. It is in their design.

Let’s try to see the forest: Just because a person cannot squat like a child doesn’t mean they should not. If there were no toilets, how would you go to the bathroom? If there were no chairs and no thrones with wholes, what would you do? Should you be able to squat as a child can? You bet your bottom you should. Why do people get hemorrhoids and other animals do not? Because we were made to squat...

People like to argue positions. I understand that. But understand this: Movement in not about exercise. It is about life. So don’t miss seeing the forest because you are studying a piece of bark. The human body is amazing. Every other thing in this world pales in comparison to the wonder of your design AND your ability. You can “RESET” your nervous system by “moving like a child” thus restoring your “Original Strength” by “becoming bulletproof”. Do you get the picture?

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