You Need Balance In Your Life

Categories: Uncategorized Oct 08, 2013



Life is about balance. Without balance, life is pretty much chaotic. When things are out of balance, nothing seems to work right.

Think about it. If you do not balance your caloric intake with your activity level, you will either be overweight or underweight. If you do not balance what you save and earn with what you spend, you may find yourself in debt and unable to afford your lifestyle. If you eat too much salt and not enough bananas, you will probably experience muscle cramps. And lastly, just to drive the point home, if you do not have balance when you walk, you are likely to fall - a lot.

We need balance in every area of our lives. Having balance brings peace on so many different levels. Peace brings freedom. Therefore, balance, like truth and love, sets you free from fear.

Do you know what the number one fear of adults over age 60 is? It is falling. Why are adults afraid of falling? Because for many elderly people, falling means an expedited end of life. In fact,Geoff's grandmother died from complications related to falling and breaking her hip. My grandmother also fell and broke her hip. I do not remember her ever being the same after that. The point is, when elderly people fall, they tend to break things like hips. When hips break, so do spirits, and hopes of longevity and vitality.

Falling is a very real fear for the elderly. And it is real because many elderly people suffer from a loss of balance. Many people will tell you it is because elderly people don't have the strength to catch themselves or recover when they trip or fall. This is partly correct but it is not the whole truth. The truth is that balance is what gives the needed ability and the reflexive strength to recover from tripping. And, if balance is present, a person doesn't need to recover from a fall that they will not experience because they actually have balance. Balance helps prevent falling and when falling cannot be avoided, balance gives the reflexive strength needed to recover and survive from the fall.

Do you see, balance keeps away fear. Balance preserves life. Balance, in any area of your life, gives freedom.

So, having balance is a necessity for enjoying an optimal, vibrant life because it yields and optimal, healthy, whole body (it yields a healthy brain and healthy body).

Fortunately for all of us, we can improve and regain our balance, at least our physical balance. There are many tools, tricks and methods for improving physical balance, but most of them fall short because they do not attempt to build, or develop, balance. Instead, they attempt to strengthen balance by challenging it. Think with me for a second: How can you challenge something that is not present? How can challenging yourself to stand on a bosu ball help build your balance when you actually lack balance? It cannot. It won't.

If you are going to strengthen your balance by challenging it, you actually have to have it to start with. You have to build it first. And, when you build it properly, it is ready for any challenge.

Okay, enough talk. Let's show you the absolute best way to build your balance. Just click on this short video. You may want to watch this a few times, because this is so simple, you just might miss it:

Yes, something this simple can build the balance you need to live a life that is free. Free from fear, free from pain, free from limitation.

It is the simple things in life that lead to freedom.

Check this out:

"I taught my 76 year old mother some basic original strength moves. She started crawling. And really focused on bringing her hands and feet down at the same time. She told me that her balance has improved greatly, as she had been having a lot of balance issues. She is so happy and now crawls as part of her own training."

- Kelly Rushlow

That is a story of balance, of hope, and of freedom.

Thank you, Kelly!

If you would like to learn more about how to regain, rebuild, or even build, your balance, and regain your vitality, check out our book, Original Strength, or make your way to one of our workshops.

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