Melissa Yan

Pro | 917.587.1892 0

Melissa discovered her love of movement as a dancer. After college she decided to take passion in a new direction, and became a personal trainer. Over the years she explored many different training methods and found that functional movement suited both her, and her clients, the best. Through functional training, she was able to help clients move better, and reduce their experiences with pain. Her goal with every client is to have them experience a challenging and fun workout, while incorporating corrective exercise and movement patterns that leave the body stronger, more mobile, and feeling "good" rather than "broken down". If you have ever taken one of Melissa's group fitness classes, you know her catch phrase: "I want you to choose the option that makes you feel strong and successful when you leave this room."

Specialties: Pelvic Floor and Core for the Female Athlete, Kettlebells, Sandbags, Functional Movement Coach

Average Client: 30-50 years old with some sort of injury or condition that causes pain an/or limited movement, as well as a large number of pre/post natal clients. I work along side their physical therapists and pilates instructors to create a training plan that allows them to progress with their therapist's goals, while allowing them to experience a challenging workout.